Turn Down an Empty Glass

Leonard Reiffel

Delivered to
The Chicago Literary Club
May17, 1999

Copyright 1999 by Leonard Reiffel

It is a delight and a privilege for me to participate in this Closing Program of the 125th season of our much beloved Chicago Literary Club and, as it happens, my fortieth season of membership. Before I proceed further, you are entitled to know a few behind-the-scenes facts. The innocent suggestion of the Program Committee that I present a paper on this occasion instantly triggered a long series of subtle changes in my life that began well over a year and a half ago and have lasted to the present moment. More particularly, the Club's invitation immediately galvanized my wife, Nancy, into a markedly intensified version of her decades-long, always gentle, and truly indispensable program of tracking my impending obligations.

You see, in addition to my many other shortcomings, an uncharitable observer might conclude that I am something of a procrastinator. I prefer to say I work best against close-in deadlines. Nancy and I long ago developed a symbiotic relationship around this issue. Mysteriously, and in ways I certainly don't fully understand, she has become a master of managing without nagging. She delivers quiet reminders and I respond by becoming a man better than I really am at oiling sticking locks, fixing switches, or writing papers. But I sense she does pay a heavy price for my improved performance. Indeed, when I announced to her that I had accepted the Club's well-meant invitation, she greeted the news first by silence and then with a momentary, but unmistakable, expression of pure panic. I could read her mind ---- Oh God! Another thing to remind him of and make him do!

Casting all modesty aside, I must also tell you now that by choosing me, the program committee has unknowingly selected a true expert on the subject of anniversaries. Again this is due to my wife's influence or perhaps more precisely to the years of careful training I have undergone at her hands. To prove my point, I tell you now that I am a veteran of no fewer than 68 wedding anniversary celebrations, a figure that will rise to 70 in the next six weeks or so. And this doesn't count a small set of vaguely similar occasions related to my one earlier and lamentable lapse of matrimonial judgment. Lest you conclude that I was married twice before the age of puberty, I hasten to explain that Nancy loves all sorts of celebrations and, among other things, she seems to like to get married. We have been married three times so far with more, I suspect, to come. And, despite the fact that we have never been divorced, each of these marriages brings its annual requirement for celebration--its anniversary. Lets see---its May 28th for the one in Perouge, France; June 26th for London; April 11th for Chicago--- or was it May 26th in France and June 28th in London----??? Ah well, perhaps I'll just press on and worry about that later. To these dates, whatever they are, must be added her birthday, my birthday, and a multitude of other days she deems worthy of recognition in some fashion, such as the Vernal Equinox, Halloween, First Crocus day, first day to use the fireplace in the Fall and still others. Perhaps now you, especially you males, begin to see my problem and the resulting depth of my experience. The days must be marked--nothing elaborate, a bottle of wine, a dinner, a card, any small thing will do--but marked they must be. Since she more than does her share in making preparations for whatever the ceremony is to be, Nancy obviously has long since come to understand that I am prone to forgetting a critical date or two during the year. And so it was that, years ago, reminders began to appear on my business calendar: Four days to my birthday"... London anniversary in two weeks ." And so on. These notes are often reinforced with verbal messages delivered with dinner or over breakfast. Sometimes they even come in soft sleepy whispers in the middle of the night. I am not sure she is awake when this happens.

Now, consider the 125th Anniversary of this Club. Could one possibly conceive of any more perfect candidate for these campaigns? Absolutely not. Thus, May 17th 1999 was duly added to Nancy's list for top priority treatment well over 12 months ago. "Len, your paper for the... " I would nod and respond by jotting down some notes. Nothing more would happen for a few weeks or so. Then another reminder, "Len, The Literary Club" More notes or a mumbled promise to check some facts I would want to include as soon as dawn breaks--let's say around 11am. Peace again. Of course, she was really winning. I was not writing the paper, but I was working on it nevertheless.

The crunch finally came when the Formal Announcement of the meeting date arrived in the mail a little less than four weeks ago. "OK," said Nancy, "shall I RSVP saying you're going to be out of town?" She propped the invitation against a candleholder on our kitchen table. "This is staying here until you're finished writing". Her voice was very firm.

"Maybe if you light the candle it will burn the thing up",I suggested hopefully as I stared at my little pile of accumulated notes. "OK", I sighed, "I'll start now, Pour me some wine would you?"

She shook her head, "You know very well you never drink wine when you're trying to write."

"But listen," I pleaded with a poorly suppressed grin, My title is Turn Down an Empty Glass and all I thought I'd do for now is try it out..." Needless to say, I never did get that glass of wine but I did start to write. She had won again ...

Fate seems to have decreed that the Chicago Literary Club shall exist at that singular tick of the cosmic clock when almost all of the deepest secrets of Nature are destined to be cracked open and laid bare. Tonight, I ask that you allow me the modest assumption that we are here celebrating an event that symbolizes just one particular moment in a Club history that will span at least 200 years. If that rather small assumption is valid, then some of our future members will understand, in the grandest meaning of that word, the farthest reaches of the observable universe, the laws under which it operates, the processes that brought it into being and even its ultimate fate. They will understand the blueprint of life and how to manipulate it to their own desires. They will re-engineer themselves to be almost like Gods. They will reign over the molecular, atomic and sub-atomic worlds and use the evanescent radiations that stream silently through space and through our very bodies in ways only dimly foreshadowed today. And for all of that, they may still reside in a world where, as now, many of their brethren feel lost and purposeless and subject to, as well as capable of, almost infinite cruelty. But we will not talk of that last sad likelihood tonight. Science and technology are much more congenial subjects for an evening of celebration.

Standing at this present instant in our Club's story, I propose to look both backward and forward. We will visit a few moments from the past and project ourselves as far as 75 years into the future, that is, to our 200th Anniversary. In these mirror-images in time, I hope to catch at least some glimpses of what lies ahead as the calendar spins through the next three-quarters of a century.
Of course, we all know very well how dangerous the sport of prediction is. When you look through a few small knotholes in the fence of time, you almost always miss the important sights on the other side, I will try to make my task a little less daunting by focusing mostly on the next quarter century. That is really foolhardy enough. But throwing all caution to the winds, I will also venture a peek at the 50 years after that.

In all of this, I am consoled somewhat by the fact that these remarks will soon fade into invisibility. At most, they may someday serve to amuse some far-future researcher working in a rarely visited and quaintly non-electronic archive of the Newberry Library. I can see him now as he happens across a dried out and brittle gray folder in the Club's long-used standard format. It contains the typed manuscript that, in accordance with Club rules, I shall obediently hand over tonight. The researcher shakes his head as he skips through my predictions. I can almost hear his uncharitable and derisive laughter. In my imagination, the annoyed "Shuuush!" of a wonderfully tough little Newberry custodian finally shuts him up. Serves the bastard right, I say!

Twenty-five years ago, then President Nathaniel S. Apter, when speaking of our club in his inaugural address at the annual dinner of our centennial season, remarked, "We are indeed old, but renewable each autumn." As we will see later, this comment may not only apply to our club but ultimately to our members as well. Earlier in that same calendar year, long-time member Lester King delivered a paper entitled "..du Temp Perdu" in which he discussed not Proust but Ponce de Leon and the Fountain of Youth and recalled boyhood memories of the joy of reading adventure books. His favorites were the 1911 Motor Boys Series, featuring boy-heroes Bob, Jerry, and Ned as well as a villain who went by the interesting name of "Noddy" Nixon. Mr. Nixon, by the way, had no redeeming features whatsoever. In the end, Lester King concluded that the Fountain of Youth might not be such a great thing. Some of our future members, and even some among us now, may be destined to find out.

In the world of 1974, while Lester King was re-living his boyhood memories and Nathaniel Apter was delivering the third of his series of papers on the poet William Carlos Williams, there was no Internet, no millions upon millions of personal computers scattered throughout the world, no lasers everywhere including even in the pockets of grammar school kids, no DNA replication technology, no space stations or space telescopes, no 200 channel cable systems fiercely contesting for our attention, and no cellular telephones to follow us wherever we go. But there were inklings of all of these things and many of the other life-changing developments that surround us now.

As it happens, it was in 1974 that a tiny company with the rather grand name of Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems in Albuquerque NM, offered history's very first personal computer for sale to hobbyists. It was called the ALTAIR 8800. It cost four hundred dollars; you had to assemble it yourself. It used a panel of toggle switches instead of a keyboard to input a few very simple commands. It could do almost nothing-- nothing that is except trigger a technological avalanche.

About that same time, a 30-year-old technician Kary B. Mullis was working at Cetus Corporation. He was casually dabbling in biochemistry when he discovered the process we now know as PCR, the Polymerase Chain Reaction which can multiply a tiny bit of DNA into millions upon millions of exact copies. PCR and similar techniques are now at the very heart of the current biotechnology revolution. Ironically, the method is best known to the public because of its starring role in the O.J. Simpson trial. Kary Mullis won the Nobel Prize in 1993. He got only $10,000 from his company for his discovery and his paper on his work was refused publication in the premier scientific journal Nature. Perhaps this history partially accounts for the fact that, as I know from brief but direct personal experience with him, Mullis is one of the most idiosyncratic of all Nobel Laureates in a group that has more than its fair share of unusual personalities. Most of his peers feel that Mullis has done no other scientific work of any merit. He is now a California eccentric, largely uninvolved with the scientific research community, and living in a small cabin on the Pacific Shore. He spends a lot of his time surfing and dreaming up wildly implausible theories of almost everything imaginable from the structure of the universe to his claimed correlation between genius and birth month.

Leaving Kary Mullis bobbing peacefully up and down in the ocean, let us return to the days of our 100th anniversary year. It was just about then that the US Advanced Research Projects Agency in Washington commenced a project to tie most of the big mainframe computers and laboratories of the US government, into a single cooperative system. Soon various university labs joined the network and ARPA-NET, as it came to be called, was born. It was destined to change our lives. Ten years later, in 1984, the ARPA-NET was opened to access by the private sector; the Internet and then the World Wide Web were about to thunder in upon us.

Three immensely powerful forces were thus gathering as this Club met to celebrate 25 years ago: the personal computer, biotechnology, and the Internet. The signs were there if one could only have read them. And these are but three examples among many from those days that one could cite in all-seeing retrospection. They are, however, striking ones and they make my point. Now let us look in the other direction along time's arrow. What, for better or for worse, is out there preparing to swoop in upon us by our 150th celebration? And what, even 25 years hence, may still be merely lingering on the far horizon or will have faded away entirely? Promise me you will be more forgiving than my fictional Newberry researcher and I will dare to make some guesses. By the way, it occurs to me that I might have put up at least a weak counter-attack against that Newberry fellow by huffily informing him that, in several public venues well over thirty years ago, I was perhaps one of the first to predict laptop computers and also electronic computer pets almost exactly like those Sony and others have been introducing in the last few days and weeks. Of course, that hardly insures the validity of a single word I'll say tonight.

Some predictions for the next 25 years do seem to be fairly low risk, especially in information technology, where much of the basic science is already in hand or clearly hinted. The Internet, or really its much more powerful children, will soon envelope the earth providing not merely dial-up or sign-on communications but truly continuous "always on" connectivity. Where today's networks handle streams of hundreds of millions of bits of information per second and most users now sip the flow at 56,000 bits per second or so, successor systems will be 1000 to 10,000 times faster. Incidentally and lest any one here feel intimidated by this ones and zeros digital world of kilobits, megabits and gigabits that we all are being immersed in, let me point out that, at its most basic level, it really isn't much different than the technology used hundreds, even thousands, of years ago to send smoke signals. Build a fire and cover it with a blanket, Lift the blanket for moment and out comes a short puff of smoke. That's a "1" bit. Cover the fire and cause a gap to appear in the rising smoke column. That's a "0" bit. I might even argue that in those days too there were Netservers, ancient AOLs that relayed the digital signals from one hilltop to another across the land until the message got to the right place. So you see, its just the same old stuff except that we don't use smoke and we do it just a little faster. In fact, ARPA is already starting to design a military Terabit per second network (Tera means a million million) for the third millennium. Literally, say the name of a person, a place, a resource, anything you like, and you'll be in touch instantly and in any medium or form you like.

Tiny but very smart computers with enormous memories will reside on your wrist, hide in your pocket or be literally a part of your clothing perhaps nestled behind a belt buckle or a button. Poor old Dick Tracy's wristwatch two-way radio and even his wrist TV will be very much old hat. These computers will be running powerful software programs that have learned almost as much or more about your personal world than you know yourself merely by experiencing it along with you. They will also be able to communicate with each other by all the obvious means and some new ones as well. All of your computers, your appliances, your inanimate servants at home and at the office, will be able to talk to each other in order to serve you better.

Take the simple matter of a business card. Engineers have already produced business cards that are "smart" so that when you hand someone your card, you hand them a whole brochure about you and your company. That, frankly, isn't really much of a trick. But taking it a step further, consider this: The human body conducts electrical signals quite well. There are already prototypical systems for transferring extensive data electronically via a finger touch to an appliance or by a simple handshake between two people wearing computers--perhaps even embedded in their bodies, The mind boggles at what this could do to the boy-meets-girl rituals in singles bars or on the beach. To tell you the truth, at this very moment, a squeaky and definitely adolescent but otherwise quite familiar voice has begun whispering in my ear--- Like OK, great! So like where in hell was all this stuff when I really needed it?

Computers are becoming ever more adept at using human languages. It will not be long before our telephones will become multi-lingual real-time translators allowing people from different cultures to speak fluently to each other, each in their own native languages. Wearable gadgets that will do the same thing for face-to-face conversations will soon follow, What, I wonder, does that mean for Berlitz, the language departments of our schools, and the politics of official national languages. One certainly suspects the French will oppose such technology.

While computer voice input and output will obviously be highly perfected soon and very versatile, one problem that I think will still be with us in twenty five years is the lack of a really good way to get information out of extremely small personal computers and into our eyes. Head--mounted displays will get better and better, but the best answer would be a way of getting detailed imagery delivered directly into the brain somehow. I believe that is a good deal more than 25 years away. On the other hand, totally synthesized TV and movie actors indistinguishable from humans will soon star in our soap operas and films. The synthetic stars will inspire fan clubs. And while they won't make personal appearances, they will show up on TV interview shows where they will often carry on more entertaining conversations than their worried human competitors. We will watch them, if we wish, on bright and beautiful and flat whole-wall TV screens, Electronic screen walls will be commonplace, but such improved screens will hardly be the latest and greatest in entertainment technology. I think something else is coming.

My bet is that before 2024AD, strange new brightly painted pod-like shapes will have begun to appear either in our homes or garages. Those pods will be totally immersive, completely enveloping, shared virtual worlds with high fidelity multi-sensory simulation. How do you like the sound of that commercial? Pretty impressive, right? What all that gobbledygook means is that when you enter your personal pod, which will be somewhat like the simulators you've probably seen at amusement parks such as DisneyWorld, you will be surrounded by, and able to interact with, a complete 3D virtual world that includes virtual images of other people who are far away physically but who appear to be right there with you. Each of you will be in your own personal pod, but all of you will feel like you are together, playing games, climbing mountains, walking through Venice or doing almost anything else. Sight, sound, smell, touch, forces of wind and water, accelerations and temperature change along with many other sensory cues will precisely follow your actions and be consistent with the actions and reactions of your companions. I do not mean to imply that this will be done using the science-fiction idea of direct brain simulation. These pods will use the ordinary sensory input systems with which we all come equipped. Building such a pod in 25 years or thereabouts should be no more difficult or expensive than the building of a high performance luxury auto fully loaded with modern electronics is today. You'd save up and pay $50,000 or $60,000 today for one, would you not? I certainly would. In this sense, and in this sense only, teleportation will become a reality. And yes, you can be alone in your pod and yes, there will be those who visit pornographic sites.

By the way, you might ask yourself what the computer and telecommunications-based pods I've just described would do to the tourist business. Or if the demand for fast gasoline-powered automobiles suited to long distance road travel would be reduced, possibly stimulating the growth in popularity of the coming electric cars and the infrastructure needed to support them.

Some of the technical methods for doing all of the things I've discussed so far and countless more will evolve very rapidly over the next 25 years. Just to cite one example, in today's laboratories, scientists are learning how to assemble nano-structures one thousand times smaller than the already almost microscopic structures used in the most modern of today's electronic chips. Sub-microscopically sharp needles, used first just a few years ago in what are called atomic force microscopes, are becoming tools to build exquisitely small devices single atom by single atom. The age of nano-technology is being born and within a few decades it will grow into robust adolescence. The ultimate result will be an astonishing shrinkage in the size of computer elements, memory devices, imaging systems, communications devices and all the rest of the great panoply of gadgets and systems that surround us today. Devices that work using only one single electron to represent a bit of information seem possible someday. But, even sooner, other mechanisms with undreamed of capabilities, mechanical insects for example, will come spilling out of the laboratories and into our lives.

Even without nanotechnology, entire video cameras are already being built as single little chips. Soon those single chip cameras will include electronic intelligence allowing them to recognize shapes and interpret the visual scenes before them. No longer will they be mere pickups for imagery. They will become interpreters that can automatically initiate actions that depend upon what they "see" and also what they "hear". They will include microphones much smaller than pinheads and possess the power to understand speech and other sounds. Since they will be cheap and perhaps no larger than a single black peppercorn, they will quickly become ubiquitous. And while many will be coupled to the ultrafast Internet, others will be smart enough to save up their data so as not to reveal their presence to so-called bug detectors. They will transmit only upon coded command from a friendly data harvester. I gladly leave to you the task of sorting out the fuller implications of tiny but very smart electronic eyes and ears that might be anywhere and everywhere.

While what one might call "ordinary" computers will be shrinking almost without limit, certain special kinds of computers will probably stay about the same size they are today but will have unimaginably greater power. I speak especially of the supercomputers whose tasks will expand as their power increases, Today's supercomputers explore the detailed structure of the universe, the workings of the mind, the prediction of the weather, and countless other complexities of nature and human activity. Such electron-based supercomputers will certainly continue to operate. Some of them, so-called massively parallel systems, will consist of many thousands of basic computer chips all built into a cooperative architecture inside a single "box". Other supercomputers using light particles -- photons -- rather than electrons may also have begun operation on practical problems. Their great virtue will also be an ability to quickly process parallel streams of information simultaneously and at the speed of light. But in 2024,1 would not expect optical computers to be carried around like super-laptops, if for no other reason than the challenge of creating software applications that would justify the expense of such packaging. One further point: think about l00s of millions of powerful personal computers about half of which will stand more or less idle while their owners sleep. This represents a huge under-used global resource. Imagine the kinds of problems that could be attacked if very large numbers of "ordinary" computers at many different locations were tied together cooperatively at certain times of the day by a lightning fast Teranet. What you would have is a sort of coral reef of computers--fantastic results from the working together of hordes of very small participants. This type of computer cooperative has already been tried (on a much smaller scale than I am suggesting) to search for large prime numbers and to crack security codes. Further development of the method could threaten other advanced supercomputers with serious technical and economic competition. It could, for example, delay or stunt the development of optical computing for an indeterminate time. Wonderful and unpredictable things can come from such contesting means of achieving a technical goal.

There are some hints of still other fundamentally new types of computers. One type envisions using the basic structures of DNA and biochemical interactions in new and very compact means of representing digital ones and zeros. Single strands of DNA, it seems, also conduct electricity quite well and have even been proposed for wiring things up on a molecular scale, Yet another dream depends upon the incredibly mysterious behavior of matter and radiation that physicists describe with the quantum theory. Physicists today can make all sorts of elegant and precise calculations using the rules of Quantum Theory in its various forms, but even the great physicists of the 20th-century like Albert Einstein and more recently Richard Feynman, would be the first to admit that no one really understands, in the sense of having a comfortable mental image that comports with what we humans call "common sense" precisely how particles can behave like waves and waves can be particles at one and the same time and how they can influence each other in the astoundingly peculiar ways that they do. Common sense simply does not work in the quantum world and perhaps it never will. The human mind, built over millions of years of evolution to cope with the macroscopic world around us, may simply not be equipped to visualize all the phenomena of the sub-microscopic world. That need not stop us however from exploiting that world because, increasingly, we know its rules even if we don't understand its ways. Rather than deal with ones and zeros, a quantum computer would work with quantum states about which we have no time to talk in detail except to say that a given quantum state can represent a great deal of information. A quantum computer therefore could be awesomely powerful even as compared to those I've already mentioned. Personally, I doubt there will be a practical one in operation within the next 25 years.

At this point, I cannot resist the temptation to re-tell a slightly updated version of a very old computer joke that has always been one of my favorites. My wife just smiles indulgently when I tell it; she has heard it far too often over the years. Screwing up my courage to the breaking point I usually carry on nevertheless:

Some time in the future, after a prodigious, decades-long international effort, scientists succeed in making the Great Quantum Computer-Mark I. It is by far the most awesome computational engine ever to exist. An international committee is appointed which is headed by Albert Zweistein, a man purportedly twice as smart as Albert Einstein. The task of the committee is to choose a suitable inaugural problem for the new quantum computer. Dignitaries from all over the world are to be present for the occasion. After long and very solemn debate, the committee decides to ask the Mark I this three-word question: Does God exist? The computer, the size of a building despite the fact that its components are very small, hums and rumbles for a long time, sparks fly, lights flash. Finally, just as the crowd begins to mill about impatiently, on the glowing main output screen there appears the Great Quantum Computer's answer: "NOW He does..."

Whenever capabilities, almost independently of what they are, change by factors of tens or hundreds, remarkable things suddenly become possible. When they change by factors of thousands or millions or even more, revolutions occur. Don't hold me too closely to the numbers I'm about to give you. They are strictly back-of-the envelope jottings, but precision is not important to the point I want to make. The step-up in speed from the hot air balloon or the Kitty Hawk airplane to the SST is about 50 to1 and it's another 50 to l between a 747 and the Saturn 5 that hurled man to the moon. From the horse to fast automobiles or high-speed rail it's crudely about 10 to l. Perhaps that's why many of the world's ancient roadways and paths, wider and paved, of course, are still in use despite the remarkable influence of the automobile. Had we found a way to build a cheap and safe personal Hovercraft that was economical to operate and that could move over all kinds of terrain including water at, say, 500 miles per hour, I assure you everything from our cities to our lifestyles would be very different than they are. That particular revolution, I herewith bravely declare, is not about to happen, not now and not for many decades to come. By the way, from the telegraph or telephone to the Teranet is a step of 100 million or more, while from the adding machine to present-day computers or those that are coming soon, it's billions or trillions. Surely there is no need to debate whether those two are revolutions in progress, so let us look for a moment in a somewhat different direction.

Only a couple of centuries ago, the exquisitely small creations of the watchmaker's art were at the outer limits of what was possible to make. The step-down in size from parts made on a watchmaker's lathe to the machining methods now used to fabricate silicon chips is about 1000 to 1. And nanotechnology, which 1 have already mentioned, is taking the final step toward the absolute limit set by the size of atoms by moving into a world 1000 times smaller still. As a result, Man's ability to engineer the very small has developed with astonishing rapidity and another revolution is at hand.

Today, in an emerging field called MEMS, an acronym for Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems, we are learning to make gears smaller in diameter than a human hair. We are working toward microscopic motors and pumps and the valves and pipes to go with them along with all the other building blocks needed to make tiny analogs of the familiar gadgets in our laboratories, our homes, our hospitals, our production lines and even our satellites and spacecraft. MEMS was born largely out of the realization that the very same methods we have been using to make integrated solid-state chips could be used to make mechanical things. Many early MEMS devices are therefore being made out of silicon and just like silicon chips they can be made cheaply and by mass production methods. Whole chemical laboratories capable of analyzing body fluids are being created in tiny packages smaller than a fingernail. There will be disposable throwaway laboratories all over our hospitals, the FDA willing, surprisingly soon. And obviously, not just in our hospitals.

Our space program is pouring millions into research on MEMS micro-machines for space exploration. If you can make a Mars Rover a hundred or a thousand times smaller than the one that sent back all those magnificent pictures a few years ago, the savings in rocket size and costs are prodigious simply because it takes so much energy to lift a given amount of mass out of the clutches of earth's gravitational field. It takes even more energy to move around in the solar system to explore and exploit the planets. In space, big payoffs come from making things small and light. Before another 25 years pass, I. believe we will learn to do that reasonably well and there will be swarms of micro-satellites in orbit around the earth and the moon and on the surfaces of other worlds in our solar system. They will be stuffed full of little jewels of scientific instruments and devices like those tiny cameras I mentioned earlier. And all of this will be only a beginning.

Chemical laboratories on chips, micro-machines, and complex electronic systems of similar size will soon begin to salt themselves throughout our environment --land, sea, and air. But they will hardly be content with that. They will invade our bodies too. Micro-machines could one day navigate the circulatory system of the brain to treat stroke. And embedded micro--chemical laboratories could also become micro-dispensaries controlled by minute electronic computers and sensors-- that is to say, artificial glands. In our bodies however, MEMS technology, whatever it is ultimately called, will not be alone. A fascinating competition seems to be inevitable and while it won't have played itself out by 2024, the battle will be fully joined. Implantable MEMS devices and internal computers will compete as well as collaborate with synthetic, cultured tissue, and harvested animal versions of some of the components in our bodies for the privilege of assisting or replacing our defective or aging parts. Disease-free, long-lived and wholly artificial blood substitutes are on the threshold of FDA licensing now. Cultured bladders, fully functional in dogs, were recently reported. Replacement human corneas have been formed in the laboratory. Long sections of working rat intestine have been grown on polymeric scaffolding, as has bone. Working pig arteries have been produced. The tissue engineers are coming.

As you may have noticed, I. haven't yet mentioned our exploding knowledge of the molecular basis of life and disease and where it might take us in the next 25 years. There is such a flood of material available and filled with all sorts of predictions that there seems little point to adding more to the information overload. Obviously, in just the next few years, we will have fully mapped the human genome. Genes related to specific diseases will continue to be identified one after another in rapid succession. My friends in this field are very optimistic that remarkable treatments will inevitably follow and specifically that many forms of cancer will be conquered within this time-frame. Combine this extraordinary progress with everything else going on and it's not unreasonable to hope that human life expectancy around 25 years from now will climb into the 90's or even higher. Even more importantly, given our growing ability to cope with worn-out or defective body parts, the duration of high-quality life will be extended dramatically.

For the most part, people (at least those living in the technologically advanced areas of the world) should live well and long and then, finally die quickly and comfortably. What more could one ask? Well, for one thing, it would be wonderful to believe that I could drop that parenthetical modifying phrase regarding the chief beneficiaries of impending medical progress. Unfortunately, I'm not that optimistic. Nevertheless, it's just possible that information technology will deliver some pleasant surprises here, too.

Future information devices of considerable capability will be cheap to make, require very little power, and no maintenance because they will be too cheap to be worth fixing, even as calculators and electronic watches are today--unless, of course, your taste runs to Rolexes or Vacheron Constantin. Future communications networks will be truly global in reach. For the first time in history someone in a small African village will be able to afford access to the great pools of modern knowledge almost as easily as could someone in Chicago. It won't happen as fast as one might like, given the other huge problems of infrastructure and the social and attitudinal barriers to be overcome, but the elements of a potent force for raising the quality of life for all humankind may be gathering itself around us.

And now away from the future and back to May 9th of our 75th anniversary year, 1949. On that day, our esteemed member Arthur A. Baer, fondly remembered now by the Club Fellowship carrying his name, presented a paper entitled "604 Jerusalem". Baer used the artifice of writing his paper in the form of a letter to a friend asking for more information about a small Inn at that address in a small town on the edge of the desert in southern Peru. In effect, he wrote his paper in preparation for writing his paper. Cute trick. Baer also faithfully observed the long-standing and mischievous Club tradition of not letting his title give his topic away.

About the time Baer was playing his little game with his Literary Club audience, the British cosmologist Fred Hoyle used the catchy phrase "Big Bang" for the very first time; I believe it was in a radio interview. Watson and Crick were still almost four years from just beating Linus Pauling to the discovery of the double helix of DNA, and the transistor had been invented only two years earlier. The Grandparent of all present-day electronic computers, the ENIAC with its 18,000 vacuum tubes roasting the room, had been up and running for just 3 years. It was doing multiplications at the blinding speed of several hundred per minute. And, of course, the Cold War was full-on. In fact, it wasn't until two years after our Club's 75th Anniversary that the United States conducted preliminary tests confirming the principle of the hydrogen bomb in what was called Operation Greenhouse. Greenhouse, incidentally, sent many a wide-eyed kid, including this one, off on strange adventures in the South Pacific. The first true hydrogen bomb was tested out there a year later in the 1952 Mike Shot and by pure coincidence, a reunion of some of those kids, now a little less wide-eyed, is scheduled for next month.

We now move back to seventy-five years ago. On December 15, 1924 when our Club was a youthful 50, Ernst Wilfred Puttkammer, read a paper inscrutably titled "The most Commonplace Thing in the World". Mr. Puttkammer was not only elegantly named but also prolific; he treated the Club to at least ten papers during his time. The commonplace thing in his title turns out to be the lowly postage stamp and he makes a very good case for it being exactly what he claims for it. His love of stamps, commonplace or rare, shines through every word of his manuscript.

The year Puttkammer read his paper, and whether he knew it or not, the world around him had suddenly begun to enlarge. The first television camera tubes, soon to bring distant places to his doorstep, had been created the previous year. Less than three years later, Lindbergh would fly the Atlantic and catalyze the birth of the age of aviation. And in the very year of Puttkammer's love letter to his little stamps, Astronomer Edwin Hubble showed that certain fuzzy little spots in his pictures of the Milky Way were not part of our galaxy at all. They were other galaxies, just as majestic as ours, and unimaginably far away. For the first time, the Cosmos had revealed itself to Man in all its awe-inspiring glory. All that just 75 years ago!

And now once again, we go back to the future. Perhaps you have already noticed that I have slyly left myself very little time to speculate about what may await us beyond 2024 and on out to 2074AD, the year we turn 200. I will give you a list. The list will no doubt cause that future researcher at the Newberry to laugh even louder, but I shall charge ahead anyhow. I have developed a couple of propositions that I cannot prove, but I shall nevertheless lean on for guidance as I enter this terra incognita. Here they are:

First, although it has been said many times before and always wrongly, I think it is finally possible that we will be approaching the limits of what there is to know in important areas of knowledge. The universe is infinite and complex, but the number of laws that Nature has used to create it and all it contains seems to be finite and therefore exhaustible. That there may be, in fact, a finite number of natural laws is, in itself, to me absolutely dumbfounding. Second, we have now had 50 years or more of experience with so-called BIG Science and High Technology. We know their drivers, or at least most of them. They include fear, greed, ambition, power and fame, but also sometimes altruism, curiosity, and love of knowledge. We also know something about the gestation cycles of large projects and how these driving forces affect them. The first five generally drive fast; the last three drive long.

Certainly all the threads of development we have already discussed so far will weave their way onward to 2074, but in order to look at other topics, I won't pursue most of them. I will also continue to deliberately omit topics concerned with the science and technology of war at all levels of intensity and of all types from the action of single terrorists to nuclear catastrophe. These are large and depressing subjects and not for a happy evening like this. And so now to my list:

The first practical full-scale fusion power plants will not be constructed before about 50 years from now. It is a very tough engineering problem. Competition from both non-renewable energy sources (known oil reserves are supposedly actually growing) and possibly huge stores of combustible methane ice under the ocean will hold down funding levels.

A new generation of inherently stable fission-based power reactors may appear and also compete. They would be built in isolated areas, include reprocessing of waste on-site, and feed into the world power grids through new loss-free superconducting power lines.

Ocean exploration and exploitation, including perhaps the mining of methane ice, will increase dramatically. Oceans and ocean floors are extremely hostile environments but they are of much greater economic and military interest than the planets or the moon. Project Neptune is already designing a wide-band fiber optic network to service research needs on the ocean floor.

Most of the holdings of the Library of Congress will finally be digitized after a long effort and will be stored in something the size of an ice cube.

NASA's hypersonic transport, the HST, will be flying in about 30 years; its development and that of related transports-to-orbit will be motivated primarily by spin-off potential to military aviation/space vehicles and not by great interest from airlines.

Virtual meetings, virtual travel and simulated environments like my "Pods" or Japan's existing Surfing-Beaches-in-a-Building and faked-up indoor ski runs will slow passenger aviation. Getting to increasingly homogenized population centers will be less exciting and escape off the beaten path to true isolation will be expensive because of low passenger traffic loads. God save the National Parks.

There will only be one or a very few space stations in orbit for scientific purposes for most of the period in question, but a great many more unmanned satellites.

It will take until about 2040 or beyond (at least a decade after the HST starts flying) for the SpaceHilton Orbital Hotel of "2001" fame to come into being. Rooms will be damned small and very expensive. The sports facilities will be popular and the bathroom facilities will be peculiar. No hotels or vacations on the moon's 1/6th G playground quite yet. The space rescue capabilities just won't be there yet.

Large scale Zero-G factories in space are unlikely. Once any zero-G effect that is really important to commerce is discovered, it will usually drive successful efforts to duplicate it on earth,

There will be only one or a few scientific outposts on the moon because it is too far away to be of much interest in an era when only near-earth military and economically- motivated operations will continue to be important. One small observatory may be built on the back of the moon because it is electrically quiet there.

During this time period, we won't have a permanent manned outpost on Mars unless signs of life, past or preferably present, are found there. If that happens, bigger budgets will be available for many reasons, including some dark ones like implications for novel bio-weapons. Otherwise, Mars has no economic or fear-driven military interest for now to push money its way. When I was at NASA Headquarters during Apollo, we joked about planting a fossil on the moon to get budgets increased. So be wary.

I believe there is intelligent life in many places out there in the Cosmos. But "Out There" is a very, very big place and I'll wager life is very sparsely distributed except in its own immediate vicinity. In other words, in rare local solar systems, life may be present on several planets huddled up near a single star (or maybe a double one) like cave-dwellers around a lonely campfire. But interstellar travel isn't going to happen, wormholes in space-time or not. It won't happen in the next 75 years or even in the next 75,000. Nor will true teleportation of the "Beam Me Up Scotty" variety. Nature never signed a contract that promised that life could completely conquer time and distance.

On the other hand, we certainly could detect radio or laser messages from some distant intelligences at any time. Wouldn't that be absolutely marvelous? Or to use a word Nancy made up just for occasions when real words seem too puny, absolutely "plumboius" ! But don't look for snappy conversations, round-trip message times are likely to be measured in hundreds or thousands of years or maybe much longer.

By the time of our own 200th birthday, current problems like dark matter and strange observations that the expansion of the universe is mysteriously speeding up will be long behind us. Great new multi-mirror telescopes based in part on old Star-Wars defense ideas will help provide the answers. And while our minds will continue to struggle with the awesome infinities involved, I believe we will have quite complete and self-consistent theoretical models of the birth of the universe, We will know the nature of all its fundamental building blocks and we will have a convincing picture of how it will end, if indeed it ever does.

I do not think we will know the answers to the ultimate puzzles of the quantum mechanics. As I said, we may never "know" quantum theory and its deeper progeny in the sense of common sense comfort, but we will be total masters of the rules we must follow to make correct calculations. Nor, by 2074, do I think we will comprehend in that same gut sense, all the secrets of the mind, and, in particular, how a wet blob of matter or perhaps a sufficiently complex machine experiences self-awareness. That, like infinity, is something we may be ill-equipped ever to comfortably grasp. But I do think we will know almost all the externally knowable biological mechanisms by then. And I do not exclude the possibility that, well within 100 years after that knowledge is ours, we will be able, as far as we will be able to tell, to re-create all of them. At that point, we would be able to alter or augment ourselves as we choose and seize total control of evolution, absent our demise from all-consuming war, plague or, much less likely, asteroid collision. And we also would be able to create, though we may not choose to do so, entirely new forms of life, totally artificial, self-replicating, and presumably self-aware.

So ends my list. Its details are unimportant and many are surely wrong. What is important is that we in this Club-- past members, present members, and members to come--will have existed during that singular instant of cosmic time when Mankind is teasing out the very deepest of Nature's secrets and gaining unimaginable power over them. After that one brilliant flash of revelation, the final challenge for mankind may come down to simply this: With almost all the grand mysteries of Nature solved and almost all the magic gone except for an occasional message from the stars, what will be left to captivate us? Hopefully, not simply one long, never-ending, living video-game!

I have concocted what I hope will be a way to show you exactly how absolutely astounding the timing of all of this really is. Imagine yourself at first in a dark and mysterious room containing you know not what. Time has magically compressed. The long five billion years since the earth formed have seemed to you like just a single twenty-four hour day-still a very long time to be alone in the dark. Your various humanoid ancestors joined you somewhere between 30 seconds and a few minutes ago. Members of your own kind, Homo Sapiens, have entered just in the last ten seconds. And then suddenly there is this! (Flash picture of audience). During that single burst of light, which lasted only l/l00th of a second and corresponded on my compressed time scale to the span of 500 years from Galileo's first use the experimental method of investigating Nature to a time a few decades beyond 2074AD, the occasion of our 200th Anniversary, you see everything.

And you understand it all!

Thank you very much .

Now, while we prepare for a toast specially arranged by the l25th Anniversary Program Committee for this most auspicious occasion, in a brief postscript I will reveal the deep secret of my title.

Post-Script while the champagne is being poured

Eight hundred years ago in a far land, a man stared up at the same stars we see. He watched the moon and studied the seasons. Astronomer and philosopher, he not only developed a very accurate calendar whereby one could precisely reckon anniversaries, he also wrote down his thoughts about life and death and living fully. He loved wine as both a beverage and as a symbol of what life could offer. Centuries later, a very shy Englishman came upon those old words. With a wonderful sense of the poetic, he converted them into a collection of a hundred or so four line quatrains in English. His collection was published anonymously and achieved huge popularity at almost precisely the time this Club was founded. The Englishman was Edward FitzGerald, the astronomer Omar Khayyam, and this is my favorite quatrain and Nancy's too. It is the 101st quatrain, the final one of FitzGerald's First Edition

And when Thyself with Shining Foot shall pass
Among the Guests Star-scatter'd on the Grass
And in thy Joyous Errand reach the Spot
Where I made one, turn down an empty Glass!
And now, if you would please stand, I would like to propose this toast:

TO THE CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB----To its proud past. To its fascinating present.... And to its long and shining future! And if you so wish, turn down an empty glass.

Good Night.

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